Peadophiles are like serial killers ! True story very emotional

Published December 4, 2013 by pumpkin2207

I just had to share this when I read this mans life story , I won’t go in to much detail , it is worth reading , but I think he is very brave and I admire his actions that he has taken to try stop the man who sexually abused him as a child working with children in the catholic and babtist churches !

You will be very moved by this , if you live in the USA and you know the man who is named in this storie from church he is at now working with children then be warned , he has named and shamed this man , to protect children and I feel he is such an amazing man !

Keep up the good work !

Let me know what you thought of this storie , you can contact him direct on his blog just click the link for the storie and the blog .

Thank you Sarah k Nottingham uk

5 comments on “Peadophiles are like serial killers ! True story very emotional

    • And peace be with you x

      I have commented on your blog but I think your truely remarkable and special I think it’s great what your doing I get a lot if USA visitors that’s why I shared it and Also to warn anybody about men that and also you may help somebody else come forward and talk to there loved ones when they see how brave you are x

      God bless You xcx

      Give us a quick follow then u will get all my updates I have followed you x keep in touch x


    • Thank you for the re bog glad you enjoyed reading this , it has been very popular this article as, a lot of people have re posted this o e , had it getting out. There , we need to protect our children , all over the word !! Its not safe and that is very sad !!


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